Engaging a Solicitor

Only engage a solicitor in an action that can award you your legal fees against another party.

Claims under £10,000 cannot attract solicitors costs.

You can engage a solicitor to represent you in any of the following bailiff-rated actions:

  • Third Party Claims to Controlled Goods and Exempt Goods

  • Injunctions and interlocutory actions

  • Applications to stay or vary a High Court writ

  • Detailed assessments - disputing enforcement charges

  • Money claims over £10,000

  • Bailiff disciplinary actions

We can refer you to solicitors with court experience in all the above.

You can approach your own solicitor, but they charge for the work needed to figure out the grounds of your intended action.

We can prepare your documents and legal arguments so they are solicitor-ready, saving you the cost of their hourly rate before engaging him to represent you at court.