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- Drive-by Clamping
Bailiffs driving around clamping vehicles - "Drive-By" and Ambush Clamping.
It is the practice of bailiff companies to drive around looking for vehicle registrations with unpaid traffic penalties.
Bailiffs clamp vehicles at night to force a money transfer from the driver, even if they are not the debtor named on the warrant.
If bailiffs clamp your car and make a money demand, you are a victim of an ambush "drive-by" enforcement.
This happens when you have bought a car or changed address and the traffic penalty Notice to Owner (NTO) went to an old address.
Regulations say bailiffs must give notice seven days before clamping your car, and a notice when they clamp your car. Failure to follow these regulations revokes the enforcement.
You own the car, but you are not the debtor named on the warrant, make a third party claim.
You are the debtor on the warrant, but your address is different, make a Statutory Declaration or Witness Statement.
You are the debtor on the warrant, but your address is different, the law says the enforcement fees are invalid. Apply for a Detailed assessment
The car is used for work and valued under £1350, it is exempt goods.
The car is on hire purchase or leased, apply for an Injunction.